Getting oriented on Rain.Fi as a lender can be a little more upfront work than other lending alternatives; however, it requires very little maintenance once set up.Lending pools put the power into your hands as a lender, allowing you to dictate your lending interest rates, loan-to-value ratios, duration, and what collections you are willing to loan to. We’ve even added an auto-compounding feature to reinvest generated fees back into your pool, as well as dynamic interest rates to maximize your yield while remaining competitive.

Before getting into how to set up your own pool, let’s first cover how lending pools work and what the competitive landscape looks like:

How to set up a lending pool

Once you have connected your wallet and headed to the “lend” section of Rain.Fi, you will have the option to “create a pool”.

You will first be asked if you would like to choose between a “Default” or “Custom” pool setup.

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For both default and custom configuration loan pools, you will next have to set your loan to value ratio.